Weekly Calls
We hold weekly calls on Wednesdays at 1 pm GMT. Call-in details and agenda are distributed before the call. Minutes are sent out shortly after the call.
2020-12-14 | The Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting: Response from the Project Developer... | |
2020-11-30 | Operational Continuation of the CDM beyond 2020 | |
2020-10-15 | Operationalising and Scaling Post-2020 Voluntary Carbon Market | |
2020-09-27 | FROM COVID TO CREDITS: The Role of Carbon Credits in Supporting a Green Recovery | |
2020-08-13 | The future of the CDM at stake? PD Forum asks the UNFCCC for clarification | |
2020-08-13 | PD Forum wants assurance that the CDM will continue beyond 2020 | |
2020-05-19 | The PD Forum reveals: The myth of Certified Emission Reductions oversupply | |
2019-12-03 | PD Forum Discussion Paper: New perspectives on Article 6: The role of international cooperation in... | |
2019-12-03 | PD Forum 2019 COP25 position paper: Creating an enabling environment for mitigation activities | |
2019-12-02 | PD Forum comments on the offsetting scheme for United Kingdom transportation | |
2019-09-24 | PD-Forum comments on the agenda of the 104th Meeting of the UN Executive Board | |
2019-07-26 | PD Forum detects a contradiction in the treatment of projects claiming a crediting period renewal | |
2019-07-24 | PD Forum comments on issuance of CPA from different PoA DD versions | |
2019-06-20 | Position Paper: Creating an enabling environment for mitigation activities | |
2019-04-15 | Project Developer Forum: Engaging global carbon markets for cost effective mitigation and globally... | |
2019-04-15 | Position Paper: Katowice Outcomes & CDM achievements | |
2018-12-04 | PD-Forum position re Art. 6.4 - Creating an enabling environment for mitigation activities | |
2018-12-04 | PD forum invites for its side event about double counting at COP24 on 6/12/2018 in Kattowice,... | |
2018-12-04 | PD Forum request valid solution for access to the UK registry in case of a no deal Brexit | |
2018-10-09 | Double counting under the Paris Agreement. The PD Forum position against double counting and... | |
2018-10-09 | Fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) TOOL30. Cook stove methodologies – most important for... | |
2018-08-14 | PD Forum comments on the draft South African Climate Change Bill | |
2018-07-17 | Negative Development Impacts of CDM Executive Board Adjustments to Methodology AMS IIG | |
2017-05-21 | PD Forum commentson the sustainable development goals now included in the new Gold Standard | |
2016-09-03 | PD Forum submission: CDM LOAN SCHEME – Challenges faced and constructive inputs |
We hold weekly calls on Wednesdays at 1 pm GMT. Call-in details and agenda are distributed before the call. Minutes are sent out shortly after the call.
We have a flexible working group structure, depending on the current regulatory and market issues.